Our activities
Although our three main activities have a common piece, all three are very unique.
Each one is filled with extremely complex, diverse and coherently built up trainings and activities. Unfortunately, we can’t make the whole program and structure public, but we hope it still shows how much we thought about everything, how serious we are, and how much we try to pay attention – in collaboration with many of you.
Some details from one of our projects:
- Searching for those living in abused and under life-threatening situations (involving GPs, nurses, kindergarten teachers, educators, family helpers, social and guardianship wards, etc.).
- “Rescuing” victims from the abusive environment, organising and conducting their removal with police escorts.
- Permanent police or civil protection.
- Providing safe, camera-covered, stone-walled, enclosed yard, house, shelter (accommodation) and living conditions (meals, clothing, etc.).
- Kindergarten, school integration, supplies, further education or job search assistance for children under 18 years of age.
- Comprehensive mental and physical rehabilitation (trainings, individual and community sessions, individual and community therapies, legal and other information, information transfer).
- At the end of the rehabilitation of the abused, providing help in finding a job or starting a business, and conducting related trainings.
- All kinds of support for starting a life, starting a journey.
- Post treatment care.